A long weekend in Verona... The great buffet of beauty!

You can really do that in Verona…. Point the finger and go!
Let’s start from Piazza San Zeno, for example, in the heart of Verona, the city of bomboniera and bel canto.
A bit Roman (ancient) and a bit medieval (Scaligera), a bit “meneghina” (Visconti) and a lot “serenissima” (Venetian), it is the right place to savor in one “glance” an entire rich territory.
With the eyes, before the palate. Satiating oneself with the Lombard Romanesque sculpted around the tomb of Zeno: for years, bishop, then saint, and forever fisherman. And not of souls. He was one of those who, after delicately placing his pallium and crosier on the grass, would sit on the banks of the Adige and really fish.
And then “a jump” inside the stupendous church to admire the luxuriant festoon of flowers and symbolic fruits that adorn the head of the Virgin in Mantegna’s great altarpiece of “vertiginous” beauty.

After San Zeno we plunge into the streets of the center to hunt for “osterie”, precious guardians of all the genuine “Padanian” flavors…
Rice, cheese, tagliolini, boiled meats and why not, even in summer, the legendary pearà.
At the end, but to speak of “end” of the trip to Verona is really a crime, climb the hill of San Pietro from where you can admire, clinging to the ancient stones of the palace that once belonged to King Theodoric, the large bushes from which dangle the slender purple flowers of the caper… How strange those solinghi bushes of caper remember marine and island landscapes…
And yet it also happens when you binge on beauty!

Italo Martinelli

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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